Dyeing! Here are the colour wheels - the left is one with and without black addition - the black isn't very prominent, but it's noticeable - more so in person than in the photo. On the right, a different colour wheel (same blue), and a mini-wheel, five colours only, with different colours.
Here's some of the other stuff - the three pieces on the left are the sort of parfait pieces - pinks, blues and purples. On the right, two shibori pieces - these are the pole ones.
These two (above) are more shibori - all folded - the far left is clamped, which left some small resist marks, but I think I need to work on that technique a little. The next one was a folded one, with small pleats. On the right, both were folded in the triangle method, but the immersion in dye methods were a little different.
And the last set - the far left is the pseudo-marble shibori, with the balled up and scrunched one next. The next peice didn't work - folded too tight, perhaps - not enough saturation - but it will overdye well. And the final piece is the one with the dye powder sprinkled on - the effect of that is nice, but what's really nice about that piece is it's picked up the texture from the tray it was on (a redundant draining board tray). not sure how much that shows in the photo but I will definitely have to try it out again in future.
just gorgeous...that is one thing I haven't ventured to try yet is dying. You make it look so easy!
Great new fabrics. I love all of them!!
These are awesome! I love the folded ones. I haven't done much folded dyeing but I really need to do more. I'd like to try shibori sometime too. You should be very pleased!
Very, very nice dyed pieces. Isn't it great to be able to produce your own hand dyed stuff! Can't wait to see what you'll make from these.
Kate - those are beautiful. My favoites are the color wheels. I have always loved rainbows too, maybe that is why I find the color wheels so attractive. :o) How did you achieve such texture in those? It reminds me of ice crystals - very pretty.
Yummmyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!! I soooooo love hand dyes - if you ever a surplus I'd always take it off your hands :o)) btw beautiful arch you received too I'm a sucker for copper - probably because it goes with my hair!
OMG fabulous!! So pretty!
I love them all, but I really, really like the aqua & purple plaid. Toooooo cooool.
Kate those are wonderful shibori pieces! I love that you did several different techniques! Great job!
-- Kelly
You've got some beautiful fabric here Kate. Lovely colours and patterns. It must be great to work with fabrics you have made yourself.
Kate, Great shibori pieces and color wheels.
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