Not a lot of work done here today - at least, not sewing-wise. I did manage to get all three kids to have a big clear-out in their rooms, though, so that's some serious accomplishment (we always do this before Christmas and before the summer fair at school - a good chance to give some unneeded stuff to people who might need it more). I did do the prototype for a silver & gold postcard, but otherwise, not much happening.
I did, however, receive a good lot of stuff in the post - I got these birthday blocks above from Amy, who made one main one, several smaller ones, and one tiny one made from the "wrong" flying geese she made for the centre of the main block (I'm so glad I'm not the only who has days like that). She also enclosed two lovely pieces of fabric as a hostess thank you - how cool is that.
And then, I got three sets of block lotto blocks, from Cathy, Cat and Randi (not sure which is which at this point, but they are all great) and this surprise parcel from Jovita, who lives in Lithuania but is visiting the UK at the moment - the chocolate is already proving popular in this house!
Seems to be that time of year, I spent yesterday doing a tour of inspection and nagging for things to be tidied in bedrooms! LOL
That teeny little block with the rotating geese is so sweet - I'd seen it on her blog but was unable to get a handle on the size (or lack of it) - so cute!
Your post reminded me it's time to get in a do a cleaning out of the girls room. They do a pretty good job of daily cleaning, but I need to deep clean every few months to keep the overload down. Maybe DH would like to take them to the park for the afternoon so I can get some quiet time to run through without the "I really love that can't we keep it" every two minutes.
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