Anyway. This is what I'm going to give away in honour of two years of blogging (well, two years of quilt-related blogging. My family blog turned 6 in July, so it's the elder sibling by far...) As you can see - it's not quite finished yet. The central block is one I won in the block lotto on a while back. I have added setting triangles to turn it on point and am going to quilt it, probably in a manner similar to the one I made as a replacement for the four seasons swap - if you don't remember that, or are new here, clicking on four seasons quilt in my tags list will bring up the relevant posts... I'd link, but there are 3 or 4 different ones that show quilting, etc.
Anyway. (I know, I use that word too much!) If you would like to have a chance to win this lovely (I hope) mini quilt - which will be about 20" square when finished, all you have to do is leave a comment on this post, telling me which one of the things I've worked on recently (or indeed, it doesn't have to be recently) is your favourite - and why if you like, but you don't have to. Or if you can't pick a favourite, just mention something I've done that you really like. (I'm assuming there will be something you really like, or you wouldn't be interested in winning a piece of my work in the first place!)
Don't worry, I'm not going to choose the winner on the basis of the comments or anything, I'm just interested and as this is a fairly substantial giveaway, I want you to work for it :)
However, as it's not even done yet, I'm going to give you a fair amount of time to enter the draw - not sure how long yet, but probably 3-4 weeks. Which is not to promise the piece will be done by the end of September, but I should think I'll have it finished no later than the end of October.
I was considering waiting until I hit another milestone (1000 posts), but as I'm only at just over 800 (if the word "only" can be used in this context) I figured that wouldn't happen for a while yet - probably January or February - so I should mark BOTH milestones...
Congrats on your blogversary! Well, my favorite recent pic that you've shown (don't know if it's a recent quilt or not) is the one on the post dated August 6, 2208. I absolutely adore Trip Around the World quilts. So traditional and I love squares for some unknown reason. I love the colors that you picked too! Love the floor and the dresser too! LOL
I wouldn't mind owning that cute little quilt!
woohoo...happy blogversary! i know i enjoy checking in almost every day to see what youre up to :)
i have to admit, one of my favorite things youve made was the fairy in the garden
i love the arch as well as the journal piece in the same style. i love all the layering, the colors, the composition...its just a very magical piece. Thats not to say that i havent liked other pieces...that one just really spoke to me :)
Congratulations on your blogversary. I particularly like the Hawaiin shirt quilts you have made from your dad's shirts. I also like the diamond quilt you have been putting together recently. Your blog is certainly an inspiration Kate.
Happy Bloggiversary Kate - I love your Manhole Cover quilt - the colours just hit the spot for me :o) An inspiration as always!
Happy blogversary! I like the "manhole cover". I like the shapes and colors.
Hey how cool! I spent your blogaversary with you!! But I won already because I got that great mini which has been put up already!!! Thanks Kate.
Congrats on your blogiversary! I love watching everythign you do. You share so much of your creativity. Of recent project I particularly like the manhole cover and I adore the trees!
Happy blogiversary Kate! You know I would never pass up a chance to own another piece of your art. Some of my favorites are the work you have done with trees. Trees make such a wonderful theme and yours are always so expressive.
Congratulations you brave blogger! I must put in my vote for your tree panels. They are absolutely beautiful! Thanks for counting me in your draw!
xCongrats from one of your faithful fans. I have to say that my favorite is the scraps I won from you way back. They are black, red adn white quarter circles. I am almost done with the quilting on the quilt I made with thema nd can't wait to send you a photo. They are special to me because you so generously gave them to me and they are part of a very cheerful Project Linus Quilt.
Sue Cahill
I think my favorite of your work has been the man hole cover you recently did. Happy blogiversary
"Can't see the forest for the trees". The quilting and whole overall is great. But I did love the whole storyline and concept of the manhole quilt too. I envy your creativeness.
Happy blogversary! I've not been following your blog for very long, but I check it almost daily now that I've found it and I love your work (and the fact that you manage to be so productive *and* fit everything round your family - I wish I could do the same!).
My particular favourites are your July Arch and the Forest Challenge trees quilt. The colours in both are wonderful. Keep blogging - you're an inspiration!
I read your blog often and should comment on the beautiful eye candy you always provide. I promise more comments in the future. My favorite was the sewer cover with the plants growing in it. I love that you were inspired and took action. Your resulting quiltlet is wonderful
Congrats on your blog anniversary from me, too!!
You are such a busy and creative person that it is hard to decide which project I like most! But I especially remember your pineapple quilt top. I love that one, especially the colours!
Congrats on the blog anniversary. You have made so many beautiful things it's hard to pick just one but I agree the manhole cover was awesome.
My fav thing you made was that quilt for your dad out of shirts or something crazy like that. You always are doing the neatest things!
Congrats on 2 years! I think the quilt I've like best is that manhole cover inspired quilt you did...oh and the quilts made from your Dad's shirts.
I've been thinking about this, and I don't think I can pick just ONE thing that I *really* like, or two, or three, or ten... rather than list every project you've shown in 800 (!) posts, can I have a blanket "EVERYTHING!" response?!
Most recent things I really like were the tree cards with varigated thread and those blocks you made with the japanese taupe fabrics. I have a thing for varigated thread too! Congrats on your blogversary!!!
congratulations Kate, keep up the great work. I couldn't pass up the chance to win some of your work, but narrowing my favourites down is hard. I love the trees for Hever, the 9 patch and the quilts from your dad's shirts, but what I love the absolute most is your enthusiasm and phenomenal output. I sometimes feel exhausted just reading your blog, but I always go away inspired. here's to many more blogversaries.
Congrats on the blogiversary!! You mean I have to pick one thing that I like best!! Love the trees, because I'm in awe of your machine skills there, but I think the things I love to see most are your African blocks, and that quilt you made Karol-Ann.
Congrats on your 2nd blogging year!For a toddler, you sure have lots to say! HA!
My favorite piece of late (because you know I have been an admirer of your work for some time) is the manhole cover. and I can't leave out the Hawaiian shirt quilts.
congrats on your blogversary... the manhole cover has got to be my favorite
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