Today felt like a piecing sort of day, so I decided to do some more blocks from my dad's shirts - finished four which were partly done before and did another four. Sarah came up to chat and wanted to work on her quilt, so she stitched another block (below) while I did some of the cutting for these blocks and some more for tomorrow.

There were some fun things in the post, too - this card, which is not for Valentine's Day, but in honour of the first heart transplant in the 1960s, for that swap. It's from Anne R.
And also in the post - the pieces from the discharge swap, which are below - some great variety. Not sure what I will do with them, but they are lovely... I do like discharging.

The thing I like best about discharge is that you never know what color is going to turn up. Your pieces are so interesting.
The discharge peices are awesome! That's one technique that I will never be able to do - violently allergic to chlorine.
Those discharge pieces are amazing! Beautiful!
I'm jealous, why does it seem that the mail arrives overseas before it comes up north to Canada?
Great discharge pieces - can't wait to see what you do with them.
Love the new blocks with your Dad's shirts too.
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