Although I've not been showing all the ATCs I am making - many are collage - a few which use stitch, I thought were more appropriate to share. These were both for a swap where the recipients of the cards chose the theme. The first was the TV show Carnivale - I used a transparency over a fortune telling playing card and stitched around the edge, but also FMQed the focus tree.
The other card's theme was Fat Cat, so I've gone back to one of my favourite (at this precise moment in time) techniques - FM stitching in a shape on an organza layer, then using the little soldering iron to remove the unwanted bits. I've also given him a funky variegated bow tie.
The other cards for the swap were paper collage...

I can't decide what I want to do about my blog - at the moment I have a family blog and a quilting blog - the problem is, I don't update the family one very often, and I do other art besides fibre art and quilting, so if I want to share that, where's appropriate. I wonder if the solution is a single, combined blog (quilty people can skip over posts about my kids if they want to) - but then, perhaps it would be too much stuff on a single blog, and there's such a huge archive (which I use a lot to search old projects) on the quilting blog. I dunno - will probably do nothing.
I'm a "quilty" person but I enjoy reading about the family and friends on my regular blogs, makes you seem more like friends. I read the family blog sometimes as well so whatever you choose to do will suit me. I like the cat!
I love your blog whatever you write on it! I can't imagine keeping two blogs up and going.....
I don't mind the other art at all, but then if you have looked at the title of my blog you can guess why.
I never mind reading about people's families on their blogs, and after all, this is YOUR blog, so you can put what you want onto it! What works best for you?
I don't understand how people do the multiple blog thing. I have a hard enough time (when I am not limited by the back thing as I am now) trying to come up with stuff. I think that I would enjoy the combined blog as that is your life in a nutshell!
I have noticed that your family blog is sadly neglected. When you do post there, it's often items that have already been on FaceBook. I think your best bet would be to combine the blogs. You could do one just for all 'art work' and leave the family one for family stuff, but surely one blog would be easier. I wonder, however, if you would remember to put family stuff up. I'm sure you'll figure out the best thing for yourself.
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