There - much better, don't you think? I suppse that ideally, I could have used the same fabric to sash around all the blocks, but I didn't have enough of any one of the hand-dyes to do it, so I would have had to find something different, and it was just getting to be too much like hard work. I like it like this; hopefully the recipient will, too. Now I have to decide how I want to (machine) quilt it.
On the right, the start of some white quilties (6x6") for a swap on Lenna's Creative Swaps website - although small amounts of other colours were allowed, I decided to try to stick as closely to white as possible, even avoiding a lot of the cream stuff I have. The two at the top of the photo are closer to being done than the other three, but I'd still like to add some buttons and shells. I'll put a close-up photo of at least one of the pieces when they are done - maybe tomorrow. Basically, I started with a sandwich of white cotton (which came from a nightdress I bought at a jumble sale for 20p) and quilted it in a different design for each piece. I then added a strip of white organza, some white lutradur, mulberry bark, white netting like you get fruit in (in this instance, it comes with babybel cheese inside), a piece of a strip of buttons off the nightdress, some lace bits (nightdress again - from the collar), some fibre made from rolled and couched strips of cotton (yep, the nightdress) and a piece of white fluffy stuff, which came in my parcel of goodies from Karol-Ann earlier this week. I had more white stuff than I thought I did; there were other things I didn't even get to use...
Also managed to colour some Easter Eggs with the kids - photos over on my family blog.
Wow, the white work is just delightful, amazing. I love them. Clever.
This does look much better.
So pleased that fluff came in handy :O)
Love the white quilties. Once again I need to examine the pictures a little closer -- my distracted brain doesn't see correctly. Wonderful texture!
Not just "much" better...
fantastically bettter..*S*
that white fluffy stuff that looks like feathers? that's a great addition. but all those white pieces are really wonderful.
Oh YES that is BETTER -- I like the change that you made. The white blocks are very pretty ~ good luck with them!
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