So, I've decided these will be this week's giveaways - these are 8 blocks which I made while trying out various blocks for the Hawaiian shirt quilts, which in the end I decided not to use. They are all 12" blocks - four are framed HST units, the other 4 are four patches with a narrower border around them. Although I may well be making other things from the rest of the Hawaiian shirt fabrics, I decided that I'm not mad about either of these designs, so I wouldn't be using them anyway. Maybe someone out there can put them to good use!
Anyway, most of you know the drill, but if you are new to my giveaway, all you have to do to be enterred into the draw is leave a comment on this post before Sunday.
I'm number one. Maybe I'll be the lucky one.
OH....but I'm number TWO. That is surely the lucky one this week.
These would make nice "wheelchair" quilts for the senior citizens quilts that my guild makes. So please add my name, and thanks for sharing!
I'm abstaining this week, to give someone else a chance! lol
Not that they aren't great blocks...
It's blue, I've got to try again, pop my name down please.
Very nice! Throw my name in the hat. Thanks for the chance.
I can already visulaize what I will make. what a novel idea.
Ok. I'm trying again, maybe the wind will blow these my way!
I'll fight Stephanie for them LOL. mmmm blue.....
Love the Hawaiian's but I'll not be greedy as I did win 2 weeks back. Thank you very much once again :O)
I know...I's been like FOREVER since I've read and commented on your blog. Please forgive me! CYBER FYBER has kept me more than a little busy. Yesterday and today I've been organizing the trades into binders and creating labels...which requires "copying and pasting" blog addresses...which has allowed me to peek in on a few blogs. I've so enjoyed looking at all the Hawaiian prints, your lists, and especially the interesting tidbits shared on your "tagged" post. Like you, I, too, have a Cesarean followed by a natural birth! Anyway....I've really enjoyed your blog...but now...back to work!
Have to try! I have an idea for these already!
Lovely blocks. Would make a lovely throw for garden bench in summer!!!
Hi Kate,
This is Joanie from MD.
Hope all is well!
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