A slew of photos... The quilt at the top left is one that I have had the top made for ages and ages, and have intended for a while now to give it to my friend Caroline because when I made it, it reminded me of her conservatory, which has terracotta walls and is very bright and cheerful and Mediterranean. I suddenly realised tomorrow is her birthday, and I am planning to see her later this week, so I thought I'd try to get it finished. The plan has always been to tie it and add the buttons shown above, so I might just have time to do it. If I hurry. So today I pinned it all together ready to be tied/buttoned. Hopefully I can get that done tonight watching telly and then I can do the binding tomorrow. So that was what I spent most of my sewing time on today.
Before that, I also finished off these three postcards - one for a birthday card, one for a baby shower card and one to set aside for a future birthday. Once I buy some more fabric for printing, I think I will do some more altered photo cards - I had fun with the flowers in particular, and the seaside photos.
The fabric isn't anything I dyed recently, but it's what I'm sending off for my next CCRR (complex cloth round robin) - this one should be a little simpler than the other one going at the moment, as it's with the dyeing group rather than the surface embellishment group. The idea is to send two similar/identical pieces (twins) out to two different people and have them worked on by different people in turn, and see just how different they are at the end. Mine went out today to the next people in the two groups, and will be worked on at some point before the end of July. It's fun.

And finally, the promised photos of the girls' quilts before they go off to Sandown tomorrow - Olivia's is small, (on the table top at the left) and looks pretty good, though it doesn't lie completely flat (not too suprising). Sarah's is much bigger, as you can see, and looks great, although the quilting is a bit basic and puffy, but for a 9 year old, I am very impressed - she did almost all of it herself, bar the binding and sleeve (and I did the rotary cutting - I thought she might need her fingers in future). We'll see what everyone else thinks, soon enough.
1 comment:
Love the girl's quilts - pretty impressive and so nice to see they finished them (unlike us adults tut tut).
Those buttons are a perfect match to the quilt-what a generous friend you are to give such a lovely gift. Beats a box of chocolates anytime, I'd say LOL.
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