I don't know if any of you have noticed, but I made a decision this year that I would try to blog in my art blog every day this year and so far, I have managed to put up a post for every day. Amazingly, we are halfway through 2011 (I know! Where did it go?) so I thought I'd mention it...
So, have I really blogged every day? Well, no, not quite - there have been days when I just didn't manage it and blogged the following day, and days when I knew I wouldn't be there to do it, so wrote a post earlier and scheduled it for the day I knew would be hard to make. And apparently, one day in May when I blogged twice, unless May has suddenly acquired an extra day! Am I ok with that? Sure, that's the way things go. And by having a blog post every day, even if I have to sometimes do them on different days, it does break up my blogging into small, manageable chunks, which I like, and I imagine my readers like as well.
Have I managed to do something arty every day I blogged? I wish! But what I have done is divide stuff into related sections - so if I have an entire weekend day to play and do four different things, I do spread them out over the week's blogging. I think the posts read better that way anyway...

On another note, I've been playing around with Picasa a little (not too much - don't need another addiction) and have made some mosaics - the top being a selection of things I made in 2011 so far, the middle one being a selection of ATCs made in May and June and the bottom being sewing projects worked on in June. I might do a monthly ATC mosaic and a monthly sewing mosaic - or maybe not - no promises, other than the fact that I'm going to carry on trying to blog daily wherever possible in 2011. I'm not quite sure what I'll do when I'm on holiday, though I did figure out how to blog, including photos, from my phone, so you never know!