Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Cross stitch Wednesday

Wednesday seems to have become my day for cross-stitch update. Not sure why - perhaps because it's far enough from the weekend that there's not a lot of stuff left to show from then? For whatever reason, that seems to be the way it is. Used to be Monday, now it's Wednesday. Whatever! Anyway, here's the progress on the beach huts - not a huge amount, though you can see I did nearly finish the hut on the left (except some white in the window, which I'd had to unpick for various reasons) and start on the sand around the steps (though not the steps - that area is still blank). Below is where it stood at the end of the last time.

Starting tomorrow (or whenever I next cross-stitch) it's back to the old road scene - I think my plan of alternating is working for the moment as I'm quite eager to get back to that one still! We'll see how long that lasts, though.

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