...was the theme for week 3 of the Fluffy Fatbottom Twisted Tuesday Challenge. The minute I read it, I couldn't get that song from Wizard of Oz out of my head, so I decided that's where I would go with this challenge. I don't think it quite works - obviously the feet are larger than they'd be in reality, as I wanted them to show, but in the end, it just looks like the house has legs... Oh well, better luck next week!
Didn't do any other work today except set out some materials for a set of monochromatic cards - I decided to do green because I haven't done much green lately - turns out, I don't have a huge number of green embellishments, which may be why). But I didn't have time to get to making them, so that will have to wait for Saturday, as I'm unlikely to have any time tomorrow, as I'll probably be at school all day.
Part of the reason I didn't do much work today is that I went up to visit my friend Brenda who sort of has a quilt shop in her house - she's not quite retired from it now, but still has various stock, so I usually end up buying something, even if I don't go there specifically for something. Today I just went for a chat, but forgot that she was holding this Nancy Crow book for me, so came away with that and some fabric - this fish fabric, which I had a small piece of a long time ago and made a small wallhanging with, but always wished I had more of. I bought what she had left... and a little black on black, as I always seem to be running out of that.

After I left her, I decided that as it was such a lovely autumnal day, I'd go on over to Wimbledon Common (very near where she lives) and have a ride there for a while (I went up to her house on my bike - though I admit to having to push it up the very steepest hill - Wimbledon Village is on a serious hill compared to other places nearby) - which I did, stopping for a bite to eat and a cuppa in the cafe by the Windmill - ah, lunch in the sun with a quilting book to read - now that's the life!

I came home to a nice selection of post, including this gadget - which is a flower stitch foot. There has been a lot of talk about them on the Fibre and Stitch list recently, so I thought it would be fun to have one to play with. After finally working out how to attach it to my machine (the directions were obviously written in some language other than English and then translated, as they were odd & confusing) I played around a little with it and produced the samples to the right (on felt). I don't think it's as versatile in principle as the drawing pin method (the diameter of circles possible is fairly limited), but as I have never been able to get that to work for me, this is a start. It wasn't an expensive gadget, so I'm sure I'll get my money's worth from it, even if I don't use it all the time.

Also got this card in the post - this is for the 1920's swap, and is a cloche hat, from Annette. Haven't done my 1920's cards yet, personally (well, they aren't due out until the end of October - why rush?). And on the right, the finished baby quilt which I took over to my friend today on the way to Wimbledon - actually impressed myself by remembering to take a photo of it with the binding on!
I had to laugh...I love the witch postcard!
I love the witch postcard as well and your samples from the flower stitch foot look good.
I really like the witch postcard - the only reason the house looks like it has legs is because of the angle you've set them at - if you'd arranged them 'flatter' ie more horizontal it would work - I think the concept is terrific! BTW the book arrived yesterday - thank you so much - I daren't look at it yet I have too much tidying up to do to dare get sidetracked!
I love the witch postcard. Interesting little gadget, can you only use that on felt?
That sounds like a wonderful day..fabric, a new book, sun, a cup of tea...sigh. The witch postcard is a hoot!
That's an interesting foot. Where did you get it? I assume you have to turn the cloth as you use it. I can see using it to embellish purses and bags.
Love the humour in your witch postcard!! Where did you find the flower stitch foot? I looked for one a few months back and couldn't find any except very expensive in the US :)
Nice postcard Kate! lol
Just catching up on your blog, I've been neglecting my blog reading duties lately. I was amazed when I saw your jellyfish - I used almost the same technique a few years ago on a 'mermaid' quilt - sheer fabric and fme to be precise. It was actually my final piece for Part I of C&G Patchwork and Quilting and I stressed over it so much that it's now shoved in a bag under the bed!! It was nice to be reminded of the jellyfish though (I liked them!). xxxx
Great take on the witch theme Kate - one of my favorite movies. I really like the fish fabric also, would like to have some of that myself. :o)
Hi, Kate,
I was looking for a log cabin pattern for a quilt a group of librarians will be making for a scholarship auction. I saw a Log Cabin Star Quilt on about.com with your name. It was a block swap and the blocks are light/dark with the dark accent colors mainly green or purple. It's a beautiful pattern and if it's yours, I would like permission to use the pattern for our quilt. Thanks, Jill Patterson email is jillpatterson@yahoo.com
I like the witch postcard, and the baby quilt is awesome.
This is a wonderful take on the Wicked Witch theme!! I love it!!!!
Thank you for participating!!
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