OK, now I normally do not bother with all the memes flying around blogland, but this one really made me laugh when I saw it on Dorothy's blog, so what the heck.
The A-Z of Housekeeping
aprons - y/n? not usually. once in a while, like when i'm doing christmas baking and spend the entire day in the kitchen, maybe. if I remember. i own some, though.
baking - y/n? of course. d'oh.
clothesline - y/n? absolutely. more environmentally friendly, for one thing. I do have a dryer though, which is great in the autumn and to do those loads made up entirely of socks and pants, which are SO tedious to peg out. Of course dryers are a lot less common here than in the US anyway.
donuts - ever made them? nope. but there's now a Krispy Kreme within walking distance of my house.
everyday - one homemaking thing you do everyday? only one? well, laundry, usually. and i cook.
freezer - do you have a separate deep freezer? i wish.
garbage disposal - y/n - no thanks.
handbook - y/n? - hand book for what? (seriously - i have no idea what this question means)
ironing - love it or hate it? just can't be bothered, though i do get the iron out nearly every day if I'm sewing.
junk drawer - where is it? kitchen. unless you count the kids' rooms, which are full of junk drawers. but i have a feeling this one is asking about INTENTIONAL junk drawers
kitchen - design and decorating? design with help from expensive kitchen firm who we then didn't hire, most of the decorating the builders did (tiles, plaster). i painted.
love - what is your favorite part of homemaking? can I just object to the naffness of the word "homemaking"?
mop - y/n? we have one. it's what the cleaners use to clean the floors.
nylons - wash them by hand or in the washer? don't own any. if I did, washer for sure.
oven - do you use the window or open it to check? depends on what's in there.
pizza - what do you put on yours? toppings. ok, seriously. parma ham, mozzarella, artichoke hearts, mushrooms maybe. whatever.
quiet - what do you do during the day when you get a quiet moment? check and make sure none of the kids have killed the others, as that's the only way it's likely to be quiet. seriously, if I ever get one, i'll let you know.
recipe card box no, but I do have a foor-to-ceiling bookcase of cookbooks, including notebooks of recipes torn from magazines.
style of house standard London suburb 1930s terrace
tablecloths and napkins - y/n? tablecloth no (except special occasions), napkins yes.
under the kitchen sink cleaning stuff.
vacuum - how many times a week? the hallway in mud season, daily. spills as they occur, if necessary. otherwise, i leave it to the cleaners, once a fortnight.
wash - how many loads do you do a week? lots. i dunno, maybe 6? 7? feels like i wash every day, though it's no doubt not true.
x’es - do you keep a list of things to do and cross them off? sometimes. then i tend to forget about it.
yard - who does what? does anyone anywhere actually live in a house where the guy doesn't insist on cutting the grass? or where a guy actually offers to do the weeding? get real.
zzz’s - what is your last homemaking task for the day? well, sometimes i wash up the coffee cups in the sink before I go to bed. but not always. i guess the last thing I tend to do is round up the kids' jumpers and/or shoes from the living room floor...
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