Monday, September 21, 2009

More cross-stitching

Well, between the yoga class (mine) and the orthodontist (Sarah), I didn't have any chance to sew today, so I'll give you a cross-stitch update. I finished the little Inspire piece - will frame it soon & put it up - very sweet (the colour is closer to true on left). I was completely not inspired to go back to the wardrobe/dresses, so I decided to do this little school house sampler next...

I think I might put the dresses away for a while until I get inspired again - after all, no point in doing it if it just annoys me - defeats the purpose of doing cross-stitch in the first place! Lord knows I have enough unfinished (and even unstarted) pieces knocking about which I could work on instead...


Vicki W said...

The inspire piece is really pretty! It would look nice as a center panel for a pillow too.

black bear cabin said...

The inspire piece is nice...but i LOVE the schoolhouse project...that one is too cute!
Sometimes its nice to take a break from a long as we pick it back up someday :)
i have a cross stitch that is about 20 years old...guess i should drag it out eh :)

Kandy Newton said...

Both of these are lovely.