Took the kids swimming today, so not a lot of sewing was done (though I did start on an applique piece - see below), so I thought it was time for a cross-stitch update. As you can see, I have mainly been working on the cream coloured dress. This is quite slow going as there are about 5 different shades of cream and they are all fairly similar so I have to count even more carefully than normal. I did take this to Scotland with me on holiday, but only stitched on it once or twice. Still, progress has been made and I am down to the last cream colour (white, actually), so it will soon be time to move on to something else in the picture. Thank goodness!
Here's what I did have time to work on today - another in the old block of the month of Japanese images. This one is called The Bridge (I'm guessing you can tell why) and has quite a few more pieces to piece, including a large tree with lots of little leaf clusters, which I'm sure will take ages to do. Next up is to satin stitch the red span of the bridge - at the moment it's only stuck down. That will be fiddly as well and it all looks kind of odd, as the bits of land in the foreground aren't attached yet, but I'm sure it will improve soon.
Cross stitch looking good. and I love the bridge
Beautiful Cross Stitch Kate.
Your Japanese bridge looks great so far. It reminds me of the type of applique found in the old Piecemaker Calendar Quilts. I've done one, and have another that would be great fun to start...all these ideas, but so little time!!
Every time I read of your cross stitch it makes me think I should really get my out again and get some done, sort of went out of fashion for a while didn't it but now its time to get it done, so relaxing and something you can do whilst sitting with the rest of the family.
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