There are some cool Flickr toys out there. This one is called Spell with Flickr, and if you can stand the blue on black webpage, is well worth a visit.
Hi! I've been behind on my blog reading and just today finally got to yours, which I've always enjoyed so much. So, I add my sincere sympathies to you and your entire family on the passing of your father. Hopefully, the plans will be finalized soon. One can tell from your posts that you are very, very else would it be possible for one person to get all that you do done? Again, my prayers are with you all. Susan
The colours on that website are seriously hard on the eyes!!!
I've been behind on my blog reading and just today finally got to yours, which I've always enjoyed so much. So, I add my sincere sympathies to you and your entire family on the passing of your father. Hopefully, the plans will be finalized soon. One can tell from your posts that you are very, very else would it be possible for one person to get all that you do done? Again, my prayers are with you all.
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