Didn't have time for much else today, but at least I did something!
The top one, which unfortunately doesn't show as well in the photo as in person, is from the Fibres theme swap that I posted my photos for the other day. Thanks to Kathy for the great card, which looks like needlepunch felting or something like that (not my area of expertise) on the left, and simple a lovely riot of fibres on the right.
The bottom card is from Debi, in an open theme swap on Quilting Forum on Delphi (this is the swap for which I make the snowflake flowers). It's my first card from that swap and only missed Valentine's Day by one day, which is pretty good, as it came from the US. It's got great crystals on it.
And the other item for show and tell is this - the start of my cards with an International Women's Day theme. At the moment, they are "paper dolls" on fabric background - next I want to print out a thin row of flags (on cloth, I think, or maybe ribbon, if I can find something suitable) and run them across the middles of the cards (about waist high on the women). Then I will quilt them with a couple of peace symbols each. Simple, but hopefully effective. I'm very happy with the "dolls", which were done with hand-dyed fabric, with bondaweb attached - I cut them out with the paper still on (helpful, as I could draw the shape on that way too) - a bit thick to cut through, but they came out well, I think.
I did manage to do quite a bit of stitching on my Take A Stitch Tuesday Challenge crazy quilt blocks - catch them on my TAST blog...