Many thanks to all of you who offered to home my lonely, unwanted blocks recently. There was lots of response, so I have had to divide the blocks up based on a variety of factors - balance, long-term blog devotion, what you intend to do with the blocks, and ultimately, a little randomness. But because there were only 4 different sets of blocks and lots of people offering to rehome them, in the end, some of you haven't got any blocks - sorry about that, but do keep visiting anyway, lol. I'm sure, knowing me, there will be more in future!
So - leftover black and bright blocks from the birthday swap with be going to live with Dagmar. (Quiltmoose) - Dagmar - can you send me your address. I probably have it somewhere, but it's too much like hard work to find it, if I do!
The black and white HST blocks will be going to live with Margaret - not only is Margaret a longtime reader and fellow swap hostess, but she's making a charity quilt with an Olivia theme. Having an Olivia myself (who predates the books, though not by much), how could I resist? Olivia, Queen of the Trampoline! I'll get them in the post to you soon, Margaret.
The little log cabin blocks will be going to live with Gene, who comments on my blog nearly every day I write something, bless him. I hope you can find a good use for them, Gene! Send me your address and I'll get them in the post to you soon.
And finally, the group of orphan and miscellaneous blocks will be going to Lisa (miniaturequilter), who again is a long time reader and commented and who I've swapped with a number of times. I hope you'll be able to find lots of interesting things to do with them, Lisa - and I know if there are blocks you know you won't use, there are loads of people who would happily re-re-home them for you!