Finished the Hallowe'en stitchery tonight - don't have a frame for it, but it's up anyway - though it needs ironing - must remember to do that the next time I have the iron out.
And the other (sewing related) thing I did today was to begin to put together these Buckeye Beauty blocks, which are an old block lotto win. I could look up when I won them, but quite honestly, I don't want to know! Tomorrow we have several things on the schedule (orthodontist appointment, and I have promised the cinema - their choice of either Up in 3D or Fantastic Mr Fox - I am quite happy to see either of them), but I do hope to get at least a little work done, maybe get these the rest of the way together.
cute spiders! I saw "Up" but not in 3D. It was mostly good -- loved the Ed Asner character. He reminded me a lot of my dad... have fun!
Cute cross stitch!
I love the cross stitch. Can you tell me the name of the original designer of the Buckeye Beauty quilt?? curious.
Both projects are looking got that cross stitch finished in the nick of time :o)
We went to see Fantastic was different. My dd2 loved it as they had heard the story in school. I was more in the dark as I didn't know the story before hand...and with it being Roald Dahl I thought it was a touch on the weird side.
have a great day! :o)
Up, definitely - my daughter and i went to see it last night - it was a lovely film!!!
p.s. i may add that we were the oldest parent/child there!!!
I guess I am old. I had never heard of either of those. But now I want to see them both. heeheheehee, I googled them and added up to my Netflix queue! RIGHT at the TOP
Glad you got the Halloween cross stitch done. Cutting it rather close, weren't you?
A friend took her granddaughter to see UP. Friend hated the movie. Said the first part was very sad. I wonder if kids will be bothered by that. If you see it, I'll be interested in how the kids reacted and your opinion. I'm not likely, however, to see it myself!
I hope you went to see Up. Gemma and her boyfriend saw it the other day and having stopped raving about it.
Love and hugs Gina xxx
Oohhh, love the colors in those buckeye beauty blocks - will be a very pretty quilt. The Halloween stitching is soooo cute! Have a happy Halloween!
Your cross stitch is wonderful and that quilt looks lovely too. Nice job on both of them.
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