Saturday, February 02, 2013

More Tall Shoo Fly Blocks

I showed the blocks I made for the lotto the other day; these are the extra blocks I made as I was going along - assembled into a top!  My first charity top of 2013.  I am once again aiming for one per month (last year I managed a lot more than that, which is great, but one a month is the aim) and this is my January top, despite not blogging it until February.  

I do still have several sets of blocks waiting to be put into tops, so at some point, I can probably do a few quick tops from those. Those of you who have followed here for any length of time will know that my first love in quilting is block making.  I don't mind the other parts, but block making is the main love, so there are always stacks of blocks hanging around to be made into tops!


Unknown said...

Isn't it funny - we're all so different - block making to me is a chore to be endured to get the end result I want - their joined together end product gives me the canvas to applique onto or a round of them in a medallion quilt give a good contrast to an appliqued area. If I decide to make a quantity of blocks for a top I find myself having them as an ongoing project on my sewing table and I stitch them intermittently in bite size chunks - wouldn't do for us all to be the same would it?

Lynne said...

Wow!they look great together. They make an interesting secondary pattern!