Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Cross-stitch update

Lots to show this week.  I finished the bottom of the dress on the green angel, and have put it away for another year. Not sure what I'll work on next year - the foot of the green angel, probably, plus I think the face of the middle one, as she's kind of creepy with no features, plus perhaps the bellrope (the one the green angel is holding) - we'll see...

When that was done, I picked up a small sheep virtue to stitch as I am waiting on some threads for the Cinnamon Christmas piece - and I finished the Love Sheep - they do stitch up pretty fast, these sheep!  4 down, 8 to go...

Finally, I did make a little progress on the Cinnamon Christmas - I was out on the weekend and thought I'd pick up enough of the dark brown (which is not on order) to finish the wording, but they only had Anchor, not DMC. I bought the equivalent, but it's not quite the same - still, it's fine for the dark brown bits which don't sit right next to the word Christmas. I think I have enough of the original colour to stitch "Merry" - I hope so.  Though of course, it's on my list to order...


Needled Mom said...

Great progress on the stitcheries this week!! The dress of the angel looks great.

Lynne said...

As the saying goes, "slow and steady wins the race". Not that this is a race but you get my meaning. What you've done looks great.

Lynne said...

As the saying goes, "slow and steady wins the race". Not that this is a race but you get my meaning. What you've done looks great.

Angela said...

Lots of progress on your various projects this week. Will look forward to seeing the Angels come out again next year

Angela said...

Lots of progress on your various projects this week. will look forward to seeing the angels again next year