Thursday, January 16, 2014

Baby Quilt!

This has been quilted for some time, and the binding even attached, but I've been procrastinating stitching the binding down because the baby wasn't due for ages (mid January). Except that it's not ages any more, it's actually mid-January now, so I took the time tonight to get that binding sorted so the quilt is ready to go once the balloons go on the door (or I find out in some other way the baby has been born - it's common around here to put either pink or blue balloons up on your door once your baby is born - lets the neighbours know without everyone bugging you constantly, I guess!)


Needled Mom said...

I love those colors. The balloons are such a great idea.

Vicki W said...

Ohhhhh, I LOVE it!

Beth said...

Looks like you are making good use of your hand dyed fabrics! Great quilt.

Lynne said...

Beautiful quilt. Love the balloon idea.