Friday, August 09, 2013


Did a little sewing today, but only a few alterations - this Indian shirt which my mom gave to Sarah, but which was too long for Sarah to use lost about 10 inches from the bottom hem - no other changes. 

You can see just how long it was on her before - it looked nice, but she didn't think she'd ever wear it long, whereas at a shorter length, she might wear it sometimes.

And this top, which I bought the other day for myself, looks lovely except for some odd reason, it had elasticated sleeves, which in addition to looking odd, were very uncomfortable.

 However, I knew it would only be a matter of minutes to chop them off and hem them into proper sleeves.

And indeed, it took me nearly more time to find and wind the right colour thread for the bobbin!

(photo a bit washed out - colour is more true in the other photo)


Julierose said...

Oh yes, those sleeves look so much better--I HATE elastic sleeves--they make the rest of the sleeve puffy--and I don't need any MORE largesse (lol) on my arms, thank you...hugs Julierose

sewkalico said...

Love Julierose's comment - yes sir!, no need for extra puffiness anywhere!!!
That's the nice thing about being on holiday ... alterations are easy to fit in time-wise, whereas at home with housekeeping etc, who has the time???