Tuesday, December 06, 2011


Not real snowflakes, mind you, but paper ones. I love paper snowflakes. We have a number of them, made over the years, which are covered in sticky-back plastic and which we put up in the front window during the Christmas season (and beyond a little - they are generic winter decorations, after all) - some years I add a few new ones. Tonight, I was in the mood for cutting a few out... These are not particularly intricate ones - they are made from an A4 piece of paper (squared off, of course) folded, so they are about 8" across. I'm sure I could cut a lot more detail into them if I could be bothered! If you can't be bothered to cut one out of paper yourself, there's always this website for hours of amusement...


Lynne said...

They look pretty intricate to me!

Snow flakes in the window here when its 35°C (95°F) would seem a bit incongruous but they are still a symbol of Christmas here!

Needled Mom said...

So generic, but so pretty too.