Friday, October 25, 2013

Still Hawaiian after all these years...

Ever since a friend sent me this fabric below, over the summer, I have been planned to do something (or a couple of somethings) with some more of the fabric left from my dad's shirts. I've made a number of quilts from these shirts, for various people, including myself (though that one hasn't been quilted yet - it's with the longarmer, though - progress is being made!). This time I decided on a nice small scrappy one, with the Hawaiian shirt fabric as borders.  So I just cut squares from the shirt fabric and bordered them with neutrals. 

While I was at it, I cut lots of pieces into 3.5x4.5" rectangles (I also trimmed a number of scraps to this size, hence the rather oriental looking fabric on the left of the photo).

I did this so they can be further trimmed into tumbler shapes, for a scrappy tumbler quilt, at some point.

This is all I have left of the shirt fabric - this may look like a lot, but remember that it all began life as about 25 x-large or xx-large Hawaiian shirts, which was a LOT of fabric. You can see some of the shirts, way back when, here. 

I was looking back through my blog to see what I'd done with the shirts, and it's quite a lot. Apparently, I've made 5 lap/small bed sized quilts (the original four - one for my step-mom, one for her mom, one for my brother & SIL, one for myself - and another scrappy one, several years later than the others, given to my friend Barbara). I've made two baby quilts - one for charity and one for my baby quilt stash. I've made a journal quilt  (two, actually) and a little box. I've given away a set of spare blocks and a bag of scraps. And then there's this current project, which will be another charity quilt. 

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