Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Someday I may learn...

...to just say no. Or perhaps not. For the past few years, I've quite happily agreed to help sew the backdrop together for the Year 6 play at school. So when asked again this year, no problem. What I didn't realise when I agreed was that instead of the usual couple of cheap king-size white sheets to seam so people could paint scenery, I was going to get 20 metres (yes, 20!) of shocking pink nylon (it might be something else - who knows - I just am sure it's not cotton or even a polycotton!) sparkly oh my god fabric to work with. The piece needed to be 3.6m x 5m. I had a 20 m roll. I'm not promising it's exactly 3.6mx5m but it's pretty close. And yes, it's hemmed all around. And yes, I fought with it and cursed it - it's incredibly slippery stuff, and even if I'd dared to iron it a bit to hold a crease for where the hems needed to be (I didn't dare, for fear than any iron hot enough to crease it would melt it!) I can't quite imagine manouevering it on my very small (i.e. normal sized) ironing board.

Sigh of relief that that's over! Next year, I hope they'll be back to using a couple of cheap king-size sheets! Though I have to say, it will look fabulous for the Beauty School Dropout scene (they are doing Grease).

I promise you, this closeup does not do this fabric justice - it's brighter, sparklier and a heckuva lot slippery-er in real life!


Judi said...

should of used a teflon foot. glad you got it done.

Gail said...

Oh ich! You're a saint!

Vicki W said...

You are a good Mum! Your place in Heaven is already reserved.

Benta AtSLIKstitches said...

Schools are good at mskingthe most of people's skills aren't they! Well done for completing it!! I got two painted kingsized sheets to add a strip of tape to, as they wre tearing ... they were stiff from all the paint, and the room still has a fine layer of pink paint dust!

Kathy said...

You could have not hemmed it, couldn't you? I mean who cares if a backdrop is hemmed or not?

I do admire you for volunteering and getting it done. You should get the mother of the year award!

mumzy said...

How easily one can be talked into something like that.

Lynne said...

My, you are very brave!

sewkalico said...

LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!! I agree with your Mum, did it really need hemming!?!?!?!

black bear cabin said...

obnoxious and as stressful as it was to work with...it looks like the perfect fabric for the "beauty school dropout" scene :) hehehehehe super shiny and sparkly pink...im sure my daughter would love it! Looks like a PITA...but kudos to you for doing something nice for the school....again! :)