Thanks to everyone who took the time to enter my giveaway by leaving a comment about which of my projects you were enjoying watching develop. It was fun to see which projects struck chords with others. Anyway, I have two copies of the Inspirational Projects magazine/book to giveaway - and the magic numbers for those two project books are: 17 and 12. In real terms, that translates to Julie in Derbyshire (So and Sew) and Anne B. Anne, I have your address (unless you have moved from Cashford Gate), but Julie, if you could let me have yours, that would be great.
I also have a copy of the July issue of Patchwork & Quilting and a copy of the August issue to give away as consolation prizes - I am keeping a copy of the August one (because that's where my claim to fame is, lol) and keeping one copy of July until I at least ready it...
Those two winners are: 15 and 13. Which again, translates to Michelle L and Trina. Oddly enough Michelle, I don't seem to have your address in my contact book, even though I'm sure I must have sent stuff to you before! And Trina, I don't have yours either. Once I have that information, I'll send the prizes off (well, not until after the 7th, when we are back from Cornwall).
boy, I was not expecting to win anything. Here is my email address. tdamil213@yahoo.com
I will be glad to send my address once I receive your email address.
Oh, where are my manners. Thank you.
Congratulations to all the lucky winners!
Congratulations to all the winners.
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