Not the money lotto, unfortunately, but almost as good - the Block Lotto. I will be winning 48 blocks from the lotto - though I have elected to keep my own 9 as they were largely made from my scraps and therefore I can't duplicate most of them, so I will only be receiving 39 in the post. which is still quite a few. How fun! Gotta love the lotto...
Thursday, March 31, 2011
I won the lotto!
Not the money lotto, unfortunately, but almost as good - the Block Lotto. I will be winning 48 blocks from the lotto - though I have elected to keep my own 9 as they were largely made from my scraps and therefore I can't duplicate most of them, so I will only be receiving 39 in the post. which is still quite a few. How fun! Gotta love the lotto...
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
More themes
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Pick a theme
Monday, March 28, 2011
Stained Glass...
Well. I added another row to this at the weekend, so now it's 6x6 blocks. I had originally intended it to be 6x7, but actually, I'm thinking now that I like it square. I intend to put a black border all the way around it, and am thinking about another border as well, but not sure if it will make it look too busy - I guess the answer is to get the black border on first and go from there...
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Green string hearts
While I made the last block for the green quilt I was working on yesterday (you can just see the edge peeping out from under this stack of green hearts) I also did some string hearts with the rest of my green string stash - I made 12 of them, to go with the 10 blue ones I have. I did have 10 red as well, but donated them to Clare for Quilts for Leukaemia, so I decided I really needed to also make at least a handful of reds - don't have a lot of red strings, though, so perhaps I will do that throughout the year (I did make two, but that was about all my red strings were up to - which is good, really!).
Here's what's left of my stack of green strings now:
yep, just three strips. Not sure you can tell precisely how high it was when I started, but it was certainly a lot higher than three strips!
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Green again
Well, I finished all the green blocks today - or rather, I finished the ones I had cut out, which was, apparently, 19 rather than 20 - guess what's on the cards for tomorrow! Still, I think it looks great and hopefully it won't be too annoying trying to get a good mix of greens for the last block - I've used up most of my decent sized scraps (the smaller pieces, I may be able to get from scrap) so it will mean cutting strips from my box of small greens - which isn't a problem, of course, as that's something I wouldn't mind reducing anyway...
Friday, March 25, 2011
ALQS5 - the other quilt
Well, I finally got around to showing the second quilt I received in the ALQS5 swap - this one was made by Peggy, and is a lovely little piece - it's very simple, relying mostly on the textures and colours of the fabrics for its effect, but I like it a lot. It's one of those pieces that is much more effective in person, I think, though you can get a general idea from the photo. I really like the burned edges as well. Very different from the other piece I got, but who wants everything to be the same?
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Stickers and more

That was the theme of a swap I took part in a little while back - many swaps ask for one not to use stickers, or at least not to use them as a focus, which I understand, as a sticker stuck on a background is not a very thrilling card. This swap, however, was a chance to use some stickers - I've gone with a sort of Far East Theme. My friend Ruth in South Africa kindly sent me some pages from a book she was deconstructing, which featured old maps of China. I used these as background to the cards, along with some oriental paper, stamps featuring airships of various sorts (Korean and Vietnamese when I had them, but a few others, too), and the Chinese vase stickers. I finished off with some flower stickers. There were 5 cards - four for the swap, and one went back to Ruth as a thank you!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Not far to go...
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Log Cabin Star going travelling
This is a quilt I've had around for a while - the blocks came from a block swap ages ago and were eventually made up into a quilt in May 2008, apparently (according to my handy blog!) - the problem with this quilt is that it's not quite big enough for my bed (it should work in theory, but I tried it for about a week and it just wasn't right) and a little too big to just hang around the house as a throw quilt - it would be fine for a double bed, but mine is larger. As it's never really been used, I've decided it's the perfect quilt to donate to a collection of quilts going off to Japan to help furnish some of those who have lost everything with a new start, in a few months time. Midsomer Quilting in Bath is acting as a collecting centre, liaising with a quilter in Japan. I'm sure there are probably other initiatives as well, but this is one I happen to know about...
Obviously, other things are needed in Japan as well - I'm sure donations of money can be put to great use, especially in the short term - but as I am a quilter, I almost always have several "spare" quilts floating around my house, either because they have been put aside to be presents at some future point or because they were made with no specific purpose in mind and therefore, don't always suit our house - so it makes sense to donate one. I did think about using a quilt as a raffle prize to raise money for Japan on my blog* but in the end decided to simply donate an actual quilt as I think it will be gratefully received and hopefully respected as well. Quilting has a strong tradition in Japan, and while this is nothing like some of the tiny, intricate pieces I've seen made by Japanese quilt artists, it's certainly a quilt I'd be happy to own, even if I hadn't just lost my home...
*I've seen this done before on a blog - someone offered up a quilt as a prize and basically, if you donated money to whatever the cause was, you got chances in the raffle - it works on the honour system - the person auctioning the quilt has to trust that people aren't lying when they say they've donated to the Red Cross or whatever - but we're all trustworthy, aren't we! But in the end, I decided I was too lazy, and just donating a quilt would be a lot less organisational effort.
Monday, March 21, 2011
In these shoes?
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Not easy being green...
Here are four of the finished 12" green scrappy blocks - in this photo, the greens look quite brown - this is partly because they happen to be fairly brown greens, but it's also a trick of the light...
Here are some in progress on my chair...
...and sewing table...
...and cutting table.
And here's what was left of the stack of strips once enough for 20 blocks had been cut - this is quite impressive as none of the strips left are long/wide enough to even get a 1.5"x18" strip from, which is one of the smallest requirements (other than the 1.5x3.5" centres for some of the blocks - those, I could have made a few more of...)
What doesn't show is that I also dug into my stash of smallish bits of green (these range from about 10" square up to larger than a FQ but smaller than 1/2 metre) and managed to use up quite a few of the smaller pieces in that box. Which is great. Of course, I still have to finish assembling the 20, 12" squares, but I think I'm going to be very pleased with the result!
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Green scraps
The colour for the scrappy challenge this month is green. I saw a project on Julie's blog, and decided to unashamedly pinch it for my green scraps this month. So, here's a bit of a start on cutting - so far, I have only used pieces from my stash of green strips:
though I can tell that I will have to cut into some larger pieces before I finish all these green blocks - I have a limited number of strips which are long enough to accomodate the longest strips needs in this pattern. But that's alright.
Friday, March 18, 2011
Postage Stamp Cards
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Queen for a Day
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Jack of Hearts
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Cross stitch update
Finally finished the snowy lawn tonight (hoorah!) - so there's not a huge amount more to be done - some trees, a border, the word winter in the background and a few other bits of filling. I'm hoping I'll get it done before I get so tired of winter I want to run away screaming - oh wait, that was several weeks ago! Anyway, should be finished soon and then I can move on to something a bit more cheery... Or perhaps something completely different! Goodness knows I have enough stuff knocking about.
Here's where it stood last time I posted about it - about 2 weeks ago.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Lady of the Lake
Two blocks by this name, for a swap I am doing with my friend Cathi - one is on the way to her with some other bits and pieces, the other is going in my drawer here to someday be made into a quilt top. Ah, triangles. Gotta love 'em!
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Brown and Blue D4P
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Little Robin's Egg quilt
While digging through a basket of stuff in my sewing room, I found a small stack of 4" squares in browns and blues which I forgot I had made from a charm pack I had received - so I went ahead and sewed them together! The piece is intended for a blank space on the wall in Sarah & Olivia's room:
which has similar colours. I still have to quilt it, of course, but now that I've remembered its existence, perhaps it will get done soon!
Friday, March 11, 2011
Music in the Air

Yes, more ATCs (I make a lot of these at night, while watching telly) - these ones for a swap with a music theme. Everything on these cards, except the music themed tissue tape, came from a guitar magazine that my nephew left behind in the recycling (and which I promptly pinched back out again!) when he was visiting last year.

Thursday, March 10, 2011
Spring trees
Wednesday, March 09, 2011
Tuesday, March 08, 2011
More disappearing four patches
So, I took the block lotto idea, and decided to use it to get rid of a few more scraps - this time I used pre-cut 5 inch squares in browns and blues. I had intended to make 12 for a small quilt, but when I went to sew them together, I realised I had made 13, so I set them on point instead and used a very old piece of brown calico someone had given me for the setting triangles. I will add a small border to it in the same brown, then send it along to a friend for her group to turn into a charity donation as well. Still not much of a dent in the little drawers of 5 inch squares, though...
Monday, March 07, 2011
Sunday, March 06, 2011
Block lotto, revisted
So, here are all nine of the blocks I made for this month's block lotto - I like these and wouldn't mind winning them; they'd make a fun quilt.
I also made a load more for Clare's Quilts for Leukaemia challenge (she's sent me the code for a blog badge - I really must put that in my sidebar, or at least in the posts I make on the subject!) which I will send off to her next week some time. Not quite sure how practical 22 blocks are, but I'm sure she'll manage to do something with them!
Saturday, March 05, 2011
Tarot Card ATCs
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