Here are a few more quilt tops I have pulled out to send to friends who are involved in charity work. This one is going to go over to the Emerald Isle to my friend Cathi and her quilt group - it's 37" square, so will make a nice baby quilt. There's nothing wrong with it, but I do have a lot of baby quilt tops and it's not one of my absolute favourites, so I think I can part with it for a good cause.
This is one that's annoyed me for a long time. It's 51x72" and was done quite early on in my fabric dyeing days, when I overdyed a number of commercial white on white fabrics. The problem with this quilt top is that I've never really liked it. I like aspects of it a lot, and other aspects not so much. So it's been sitting around for ages. Far better it go to a good home than sit around even longer! This one is going off to Sherry, who practices her frame quilting on donation quilts...
And finally, this one, which is 32" square. This is another of those pieces I can't decide if I like or not. It looks strange in this photo because of the colour shott fabrics (which look one colour from one direction and another from a different one) but it looks different head on. This will go to my friend Karol Ann for her local Project Linus, along with the two other small tops I originally showed on the blog a few weeks back.
I also have a stack of blocks of one sort or another to send to another friend, Sarah, whose quilt ministry uses all kind of miscellaneous stuff (very useful, that!).
My stack of unquilted tops is getting much more manageable now. There's a small handful of wallhanging sized pieces, which are waiting for the right occasion; some baby quilts, which again, are waiting to be needed (they are easier to store before they are quilted, and don't take long to quilt - though I might quilt one or two up in preparation for those times when DH only gives me a month's notice that someone is going to go on maternity leave from his office); a handful of pieces which will have to go to the longarmer because they are too big for me to manage (though I think I am down to about 3 or 4 of those!) and the rest are things I can do myself on my machine, when I get around to it.
I don't intend ever to get to a point where there are no quilt tops waiting to be quilted, but it would be nice to get to a point where I had maybe 5 or 6 baby quilt tops and only one or two other things hanging about. I don't think that will be 2011, but it's progress nonetheless...
more beautiful donations Kate...way to Spring clean and inspire! :)
Thank you very much for the parcel that arrived for Vicky today - she will be absolutely thrilled. I hope to add my own soon to the donation pile!
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