Sunday, July 14, 2013


I've been sending lots of charity quilt top to Karol-Ann to pass along to her Project Linus friend, Vicky, for finishing. Now that Karol-Ann has her very own longarm sewing machine, she intends to finish off some of them herself, but in order to do that more easily, it helps if they have borders. My problem with this isn't one of principle, but one of practice - most of the fabrics I have in large enough quantities to make borders from, I like too much to use as Linus Quilts (because I only buy larger quantities of fabrics I really like). I do have a few pieces which I am happy to use, but beyond that, not so much.  I think what I might do is to look in inexpensive fabric shops for cotton prints I can use for borders - I don't mind buying a metre of fabric now and again specifically for a border, if it's only £3/metre...

Anyway. This was one quilt I was able to add a quick border to from what I have in stash - this fabric was given to me years and years ago by my stepmother who got it at a yard sale (I think a quilter had died or something and her family was selling off her stash along with other things) - she picked up loads of material for me very inexpensively, which was lovely, but a lot of it is quite traditional country calicos, so not always what I reach for first. I don't have many large pieces left, I think, but it's taken a while to use them.

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