Thursday, April 22, 2010

UFO tab

The observant among you may notice a new tab at the top of my blog - I am going to set up a page for my UFOs - starting today, but I don't think I will finish it today - there are a lot of them (nearly 40 complete tops of various sizes needing quilting, as well as a few block sets and miscellaneous other things - mostly the tops, though). Last year, I made a major push and got rid of nearly all my sets of blocks, either by turning them into quilt tops (hence the large numbers of quilt tops!) or giving them away; the next year or so is the turn of the UFO. A few of them, I am setting aside for longarming, but lots of them are small and can quite easily be done on my DSM. Several of the baby-quilt sized pieces I will probably keep as is until needed as gifts, as they take less space to store when they are only a top, but even allowing for those exceptions, there are still quite a few I could be working on...

I do have a list of UFOs already in my sidebar, but this is a bit more detailed - and is really as much if not more for my own sake than for those who may read this blog. I hope to get them all listed, along with a photo, the size of the piece (if a finished top) and some sort of date related to the project - when I started it, when it reached finished top state - something of that nature. I know one or two of these are really old...

I'm going to try to list them in size order (hmm - smallest to biggest or the other way around - decisions, decisions!) as that scares me less than in order of how old they are or how likely they are to get finished!

And of course I will also put up the handful of other things which aren't finished tops - but there are not very many of those at the moment - less than a dozen I think. And that includes a few ongoing things as well as those which are stalled.

So anyway, watch this space. Or rather, don't watch this space, watch the UFO tab! Hopefully there will be some crossing off of things on this list quite soon...

(edited to say, I have only done 5 tonight - I think it's going to take longer than I thought, lol. And I think I might divide it into several tabs - small, medium and large, perhaps?)


Gene Black said...

Ha ha... I love your "unfinished" UFO tab. great idea

sophie said...

You are a brave soul ... and also someone who seems very productive to me. I look forward to watching you finish them up and cross them off the list ;-)

Gail said...

I will love looking at all the UFOs! They are so pretty. The Bento box (2) would make a pretty table topper placed on a square table (first covered with a cloth) on point. Does that make sense? Anyway, It's an idea.

Paula, the quilter said...

I love this idea of a UFO page. But the thought of listing all my UFO's (with pictures) is a bit daunting.

Shelina said...

Listing UFOs is a great idea. I'm not sure I would want to make mine public! It certainly explains your two finishes last week. LOL I too got a great chuckle out of your unfinished UFO tab!

Vicki W said...

Holey Moley! That's a LOT of UFO's!