...is the name of this block, which I made some more of today, for the block lotto. You can see why - it would be good block for scraps. I've now made nine blocks, which is my limit for the month (you can make more, but you only get up to nine chances in the draw and as I have loads of other projects to be getting on with, I usually stop at nine).
I also pinned together the Contrary Wife for quilting, a somewhat boring task made much more pleasant by the radio playing I Fought the Law (the Clash), All these things that I've done (the Killers), Like a Rolling Stone (Dylan), Come on Eileen (Dexy's Midnight Runners) and My Sharona (the Knack) all within the same hour or so. Yes, on the same station! How cool is that...
Thrifty, a great block for scraps and looks easy to put together too.
I wish we had a radio station like that one you were listening too. I love those oldies, but here we get a lot of those so called song that they repeat the same line over and over again.
Love the way you done these blocks, black shows the pinks and whites up very well,
Take care
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