Textile Challenges (a yahoo group to which I belong) often has a monthly challenge to try to keep us all from getting into a rut. This month the challenge was to visit (or re-visit, as the case may be) monoprinting, and then to make an ATC from the resulting fabric. You saw the results of my monoprinting the other day, this evening I took a small amount of time and turned the rust dyed piece into some ATCs - one of which will go off to my partner and the others will go for trades at one time or another.
The colour in the close-up shot has washed out completely because of the flash but you can get a fair idea of the colours from the photo on the left. I've decided to keep them quite simple with some stitching (I FMQ'ed the entire piece before cutting it up) and only a very few embellishments (for once).
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