Tuesday, April 10, 2018

ATC Tuesday

These cards were for a "Pick a Theme" swap - each person nominates a theme on which they want to receive cards, so you end up making 4 different cards (sometimes 5, if you make a gift for the hostess). This PAT had a limitation of being a "pop culture" PAT and I joined a film group, so all of my cards were based on films, except the Buffy card, which was for the hostess (hostess cards are always optional and up to the discretion of the maker - you can check out a swapper's profile to see what they like; Buffy seemed a good choice here as it was a Pop Culture swap).

Sometimes a card in a PAT is a bit harder to make because if the recipient chooses a subject you aren't familiar with, it's hard to know if your card is a good representation of the chosen theme. (Another reason I chose Buffy as a theme above; having seen it myself I know what makes a good card.)  Luckily, in this group, I was familiar with all the chose themes. 

There was a Hobbit/LOTR theme,

a Labyrinth theme,

A Wizard of Oz theme

And a Pirates of the Caribbean theme. 

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