Rather good progress made this week, I think - must have watched a lot of telly! (Or, more likely, must have simply remembered to get the cross-stitch out and work on it while watching telly, unlike some weeks.) I finished the pink dress and have begun on the white dress. There is actually some stitching done in the white dress, but as it's all in shades of white, it's hard to see. I started it before the door behind it, but had such a hard time seeing the white and counting, I decided it would be better to do the background first, so that I had a more defined area to work with.
Might not make as much progress with it this week, as there are several things waiting for binding, but I think I will take it on holiday with me in the end of July, so perhaps a lot will get done then...
I love to cross-stitch but it does seem like I don't get very far very fast! Sometimes I'm impatient, sigh. I always have a travel bag of stitching or other handwork ready to go out the door then if I have to wait while picking someone up or at the doctors I'm ready. I did alot of stitching over the years as baseball, soccer, etc practice. I think I have this piece but have never made it, yours looks lovely.
That's great progress!
Wow, this is lovely. You are such a talented needlewoman, I too don't have much patience for this.
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