Sunday, August 04, 2013

ATC backgrounds

Yesterday I showed the cards I'd added to - these are cards which I've started, to send around. Although actually, this top one isn't - apparently I forgot to photograph a set of backgrounds which are like the background on this card - they are on a brown card, with the Indian looking bit of tea-bag paper, in three different colours. You get the picture, I'm sure...

These are fairly plain - a bit of text and a bit of blue paper

And these have a letter on them - will be interesting to see what someone does with them!  

I have also made LOTS of cards, both for swaps and just for my trading gallery on AFA (ATCs for All).  I'm sure you'll see them in the next few days - as I am not doing a lot of sewing, there's not much sewing to show.  Though if I manage to pick up some red fabric, I will make some blocks for the block lotto...

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