Saturday, January 09, 2016


Many times out there in the internet world of quilting, you see someone's photos of their enormous stash and are either filled with horror or envy; mine is nothing to rival any of that. All the pieces which are half a metre or larger fit in this rather minimal cupboard, and all those boxes have other things in them - one has some non-quilting fabrics, the others have projects or in one case, pieces cut from t-shirts the kids have outgrown but were fond of, so which might end up as a quilt someday (especially Alex).   Still, there's a bit of fabric there, so I thought I'd pull it out at the beginning of the year and have a little inventory to remind myself what there is, where my shortfalls are, etc.  Especially as there's a big fabric sale I try to go to annually, which is next weekend.

These are three unusual pieces. The left is an old tablecloth, which will make a good back when I get a quilt the right size and style. The other two are hand-dyes (not my own) which I am saving for something. Not sure what.

Three large pieces, aimed at being backing fabrics. The hand dye on the right is one I did myself.

These are all fabrics from my "Linus libraray" and as such aren't really part of my stash - they are fabrics from Liz's Project Linus stash, which I've taken away to use as borders for Linus quilts. Or in the case of the front fabric, which is inferior quality, as foundation for string blocks.

Four largeish pieces of neutral fabric, always useful. 

These are all pieces where I have at least a metre but which might not be in a tradition shape, for whatever reason - offcuts from backing, for instance. They will find their way into quilts at some point. 

Prints bought with Linus quilts in mind, probably will end up being borders. 

Prints bought because I liked them, NOT with Linus quilts in mind. All 1 metre pieces.

And misc. 1 metre(ish) pieces, which will no doubt get incorporated into blocks, etc at some point. All quite good for toning.

And then there's my stash of half metre pieces - this photo above and the one below. Many of them are tonal, with a few prints of various sorts thrown in.  

All in all, it's not a huge stash - enough to inspire me to make quilts, but not enough to always find the fabric I need for something. 

Of course, I do have some boxes of smaller pieces as well - perhaps I'll show them at some point in the near future!

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