Thursday, July 23, 2015

Cotton Robin - my own piece

I took part again this year in Julie's Cotton Robin, which is a round robin - four rounds. Each person makes a centre block and sends it to Julie, who sends them out (anonymously) for others to work on, pass to the next person, and so on.  Each centre block gets two subsequent additions and then is quilted, which means we all work on four stages - centre (our own), round 1, round 2 and quilting & binding.  I always enjoy this round robin and have quite a nice selection of quilts from it. This is this year's, where we were challenged to do something monochromatic/and/or out of our comfort zone colour wise.  So I decided to go for something low value and monochromatic (ish). Which I find hard.  Great quilt, isn't it!  Here's how it started:

and some close up details of the quilting:


Needled Mom said...

That is awesome. I love the quilting too.

Benta AtSLIKstitches said...

Lovely! I enjoyed the stay at home robin you ran years ago too