Saturday, December 03, 2011

A little sorting

Didn't do much sewing today, though I had originally intended to - first, I spent more time than I had planned fixing some open seams in a parachute for school (the nylon kind you play playground games with, not the silk kind you jump out of airplanes with), and then there was homework help and various other things.

I also had intended to do some cross-stitch while watching telly, but as we were watching the film Inception, I ended up having to switch to something a little more mindless as I actually had to pay quite a lot of attention to the film - not something which happens all the time. It was good, though, I thought, if somewhat confusing at times.

Anyway, I decided to sort out the scrap basket instead of cross-stitch and as you can see, it's much emptier. I did remove a few things - some larger scraps and a pile of strips to be filed elsewhere, and this rather small pile of diddy scraps which are too small to bother with - they'll go in a box for a friend who childminds - she'll use them for collage, etc, with her kids.

1 comment:

Lynne said...

Ah, the great feeling of being organised!