As it so often seems to be the case that events conspire against one, I thought it would be nice to show an instance where events conspire FOR one. Today was an INSET day (teacher training) - and though I had one meeting this morning (the other being postponed until tomorrow), the rest of the day was fairly free. That, a six year old who wanted to spend most of the day on the computer and some girls who wanted to sleep until midday and then pretty much laze around with dvds, nintendos and so forth meant that I was able to accomplish some things. So, I give you again a view of the batik star tablecloth - the difference this time, perhaps not visible in the main shot above - is that it's quilted. Yep. All of it. I know, amazing, isn't it? I managed to get a lot of other bits and pieces accomplished as well (because I have to take lots of breaks while quilting so as not to do my back in) but mainly, I quilted this. It looks like this:

I've trimmed the corners to make them rounded as I think that will look better on a tablecloth, but I've not yet attached binding to it. (Can't have everything, right?)
I had quite a few comments on this yesterday, and thought I'd mention that the blocks are originally from the block lotto, back a while ago. Which is why there are so many different batiks (don't get me wrong - I think that looks great). I do have a fairly large batik stash, but even so...
The other thing that I did today (yes, there was more - amazing, I know) was to make some more ATCs - I got these big felt flowers the other day at the quilt shop, and thought they really called for some faces. They are really big and puffy (thick, I mean - about a quarter inch or so), which I think is kind of fun. The background is made from an upholstery sample, which I then sewed stripes across. I added ribbons, then the felt flowers, faces and some bits for the centres of the small flowers. Voila.

Tomorrow there will be a lot less to show, though I might give a cross-stitch update - haven't done that in a while. Oh, and I have some magazines to give away...