Friday, December 06, 2013

A few more ATCs

Here are some lovely finished cards, for which I sent out the starter.  These I think are fantastic. The starter had (it's hard to see, but if you enlarge the picture you can make it out) a gold crow stamped on the background - the other ladies working on this card have turned a rather ordinary crow into a fancy bird with a great label - a really interesting finish!

I love working with letters, but sometimes they can be a bit challenging, so I don't often send them out as starters. This was an exception - and I like what's been done - good fun!

And this one is a simple, effective finish to these starters. I am almost always very pleased with what I get back from my starters - it's a good way to inspire yourself, too, as people make lots of choices you might not make yourself and use materials you wouldn't think to...

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