Tuesday, May 01, 2012

People using things up!

Those of you who hang out here a lot will know that I sometimes give stuff away that I don't want any more - quilt tops sometimes, but more often leftover blocks or sets with which I am no longer enamoured, other other bits and pieces. As far as I'm concerned, what then happens with those things is only of interest to me as a matter of curiosity - that is, people are under no obligation whatever to use the things I send them quickly - or at all - and I never check up on them or try to make them feel guilty.  However, it IS fun to see what happens to these things, when something happens.  Two people I've passed things on to have recently been in touch to say they were using those things, so I thought you'd all be interested to see..

First up, Kathy used some crumb blocks which I sent her - not sure if I sent her the 4" blocks or the 6", though I'm thinking they were the 6" because I don't have any of those left and I still have stacks of 4", which I seem to be able to use for things more readily than the 6".  I love what she's done with them - her design does tone them down a bit and make them cheerfully busy, rather than manic. Well done Kathy for a FINISH!  Hoorah!

pile of HST

And Lynne used some HST units (which were offcuts from my red scrappy string heart blocks) to form the centre of some log cabin blocks. She's not finished with her project yet, but it's a great start.  I've pinched this photo from her blog - hopefully she won't mind - but you'll have to go over to her place to see the log cabins themselves...


Lynne said...

No problem using the photo at all - thanks for linking people back to my blog. And a big thank you for sending the scraps in the first place.

Sarah Craig said...

I love using the goodies you send me - I think I've used two pieced tops you sent me this week! One is a string hearts top, and the other is a rectangular string block top with some breast cancer ribbon fabric in it. You should see the finished quilts on my blog in the next week or two....

Needled Mom said...

It is fun to see what is done with the throw offs of others. The crumb blocks are wonderful.

Clare said...

I'm still to use those hand dyes you sent, but they are so gorgeous I'm saving them up for something special. Love what Lynne did with the crumbs.

Terri said...

Saw your string hearts over at Confessions of a Fabric Addict. It is gorgeous. So nice of you to donate it.