Saturday, June 30, 2012

Goal review

June goals - I never did get around to blogging these, but here are the June goals in retrospect:

  • Blocks for June block lotto - no, just never did get around to these. It's been a busy month.
  • At least one charity baby quilt top - also nope - same reason!
  • Rainbow Scrap Challenge flying geese block - yes, two of these in different types of purple
  • baby quilt for Darcy - done.
  • quilt for Wendy - done.
Not too bad, considering how little sewing time I've had this month.

Now, July:

  • Blocks for July block lotto
  • At least one charity baby quilt top
  • Rainbow Scrap Challenge flying geese block
I've only set a few goals, because July is going to be a very busy month. I might have a little time once school finishes, but who knows, don't want to set myself up for failure!

1 comment:

Lynne said...

Good luck with your goals. I posted a similar list today and was disappointed with how little I got done!