A row of canal houses - the latest, Canal House E, isn't technically sewn yet, but I did cut out all the pieces and fuse them down. Sewing later! Don't they look fun together? Of course, mine won't be all together, but it does give you the general idea...

Here's House E on its own. The fabric for the house and the water both came from great fabric I got from
Vicki when I saw her this summer in the US. There is still some left of both fabrics for me to play with (as well as the third FQ, which is blue and orange together and which I adore), but I felt they both really suited this house...

And a few more houses, here - these are for the September
block lotto, and while looking at the photos, I realised I forgot to put the right hand side of the house on these - the windows are right against the side of of the house. Will have to fix that tomorrow! But I love these little houses, which are in the style of
Tonya R, and they are a doddle to make. I won't do any more for the lotto, as those require a turquoise background (which I promise you these both are, despite what it may look like on screen) and I have run out of turquoise solid/tot. I do think they'd make a great baby quilt though, perhaps with a consistent sky but otherwise, totally scrapbasket. Or perhaps with all kind of sky colours! Another project for The List...