In about an hour, DH should be arriving home with "Grandma Lucy" (as the kids call her), so I probably won't get much if any sewing done until next Thursday or so - she leaves on Tuesday - the kids and I are taking her up to the train, having lunch, and popping over to the Natural History Museum for a few hours. Wednesday is back to school and I have to hang out for an hour or so in the morning to sort out the school uniform shop (one of my many hats - or half a hat in this case, as there are two of us), then grocery shopping. Maybe if I'm lucky, Alex will play with playdough or something for an hour on Wednesday afternoon! Anyway, I managed to delegate much of the housework today to the girls for extra pocket money, which meant I had time to get a few things done between doing the bits they can't do or can't reach and supervision. So this is the larger of the two quilt tops made from the PP2 block swap on about. You're right - it looks a lot like the smaller one, only a bit larger. But that's ok, it's still a nice top. Probably will work up to single bed size, so it may end up as a gift for a DD. Probably DD2 as I'm thinking that some black and white Scottie dog blocks I won in a block lotto would really suit DD1, who loves dogs. And although DD2 loved the discharge top I finished yesterday, I also really love that one, so I'm not sure I'll be generous enough to gift it...