A while back I signed up to
Trash's Spring/Autumn Swap (depending on your hemisphere) - the brief was to send something homemade, some crafty bits and something yummy. I made a
little spring quiltie for
my partner down under; today I received, also from Down Under, from the lovely
Calidore, my own selection of goodies.
Aren't they wrapped beautifullly? Even through the cellophane I can see that one item says "chocolate" all over it - this turned out to be a bag of - well, no surprise there - chocolate treats. I also got a nice pair of mitts (fingerless gloves) which fit perfectly and which I am totally delighted to say I won't be wearing until next autumn or winter (the back of spring finally having been broken here - and not before time!) but which will come in very handy when the time does come. Despite the purple, they have actually photographed fairly well - or rather, not so much "they" as it's hard to take a photo of both of ones own hands at the same time...

She also sent a small package of hand-dyed charms, some lovely flowery bits and - and these I really can't wait to do something with - a couple of pieces of silk paper and some silk paper leaves. These are really beautiful bits of craftwork, and although it seems almost a shame to use them for anything (rather than just sit around admiring them) I'm sure I'll get over that soon and incorporate them into something or other...
Anyway, a lovely bundle of goodies which was very welcome on my doormat after a long week! Thanks again Catherine.